
Showing posts from November 30, 2014

Final Fantasy 5 Review Follow-Up

So, in my last blog , I did a pretty in-depth review about Final Fantasy 5, which is a game that is very near and dear to my heart. Due to Final Fantasy 5 being my favorite game in the series for sentimental reasons, I decided that I wanted to wrap things up because I personally felt that my last blog post was rather biased, and I felt the need to look at the game more objectively.  Firstly, what I was trying to get across was that Final Fantasy 5 is sort of like the weird child in the family in the sense that Final Fantasy 5 is really different from the rest of the games in the series, not just because of the story, but also because of the game play. I also wanted to note that Final Fantasy 5's story was definitely one of the weaker ones in the series because of how cliche one could say it is, but I thought that even though it was cliche, it was well put together because of the lack of plot holes in the story. Secondly, even though the job class system was really nice, there w

A Review on Final Fantasy 5

If I were to pick my favorite game out of the Final Fantasy series thus far, it would have to be Final Fantasy 5. Final Fantasy 5 is a vastly underrated game, and it isn't really the game's fault. The reason why people overlook the game is because it was released between Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 6, and those two games are considered to be two of the best games in the whole series. However, the reason why Final Fantasy 5 really sticks out to me was because of the comical tone throughout the entire story, the amazing class based system, and finally the memorable characters. When I was younger I used to watch a lot of Let's Plays on YouTube, because I liked watching people play games that I knew I wasn't going to be able to beat. The first game that I ever watched and fell in love with was HCBailly's Final Fantasy 5 Let's Play . After watching the first few episodes, I instantly got hooked to the story of the game, and I watched the whole Let's Pla