
Showing posts from September 14, 2014

Underrated Games: A Quick Review about Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was a game released for the SNES on October 5th, 1992 in North America. The Final Fantasy series is characterized by an easy to use but hard to master kind of game play in each of the main series titles. However, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was different from the rest of the games in the bunch. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was originally released in North America first because the Japanese producer, SquareSoft, worried that their games were too hard for the North American audience, so they made Mystic Quest as an easy to play game. Mystic Quest was intended to be an easy game for people to play, but due to its lack in difficulty, it has amassed a bad reputation over the years. Even though most reviews of the game are generally averse, I personally really like the game. It might be my nostalgia talking, but I found the game sort of relaxing after playing some of the harder games in the Final Fantasy series, (I'm looking at you Final Fantasy 2). Fina

Delving into Classical RPG's : My Thoughts on Final Fantasy 1

When I think of Squaresoft, the first game that comes to mind for me is Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is one of the most iconic Role-Playing Games, RPG's for short, in the gaming industry. A game that was originally created to be the final game of a failing company (hence the name final fantasy), ended up becoming more than just a fantasy for the creators of this game. Now what made such a simple game so successful that it ended up bringing a company out of bankruptcy, and made them one of the top dogs of the industry? Luckily, modern technology has allowed for me to get my hands on the game, so I was able to take a look into the game that would end up becoming part of a franchise of over 20 titles. The player controls the 4 characters in a boss fight against Lich, the Earth Fiend in the iOS port of Final Fantasy 1 I was a little skeptical when I was about to play Final Fantasy 1 for the first time. I thought that the game feel outdated due to how old the game was, but t